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briar Hi, I’m Briar, Executive Officer for JG-51. I started out flying Airwarrior in the late ‘90s and stayed with it until the sim died due to a change in management and corporate direction. I then decided to try Warbirds and have enjoyed the community and the sim itself. I started out flying in an Allied squad, Number 303 Kościuszko which was made up of several Polish members and a few fellow southern rednecks. After a few years the squad disbanded due to our squad founder leaving Warbirds to return home to Poland. At that time there was a real lack of pilots flying on the Axis side so I, along with some others decided to join an Axis squad to help balance out the sides for our Squad Select Series Events. That is when I joined JG-51 and found a new home.

I spent six years in the US Navy from 1967 until 1973 as a Fire Control Technician for gunnery systems on Destroyers. I served on the USS Ault, DD698 and was Leading Fire Control Tech on USS Noa, DD841. I also had duties as Fire Team Leader on the Ship’s Landing Force and Rescue and Assistance Team. After I was discharged I went to work for an independent telephone company and through mergers and acquisitions I ended up working for United Telephone Company and Sprint without ever changing jobs. My Wife and I both retired from Sprint after 33 years in the business and are now living in North Central Florida on a small piece of property on a private lake. Great bass and crappie fishing and we see quite a few gators, black bears and other assorted critters. We also have a pair of Ospreys nesting on one of our power poles in front of our house.

My Wife and I have four sons, three daughters in law, ten grand children and two great grand children. My hobbies are hunting, fishing, guitar picking and collecting American Indian artifacts, not necessarily in that order.

My Squad Select Series Stats - S3

Personal Awards:
MB-1939-45_Star RTW-Honour_Cup NSS-1939-45_Star FAP-Order_Of_The_Auspicious_Clouds YNB-Mention_In_Dispatches SBB-Iron_Cross_1st_Class BWF-Iron_Cross_2nd_Class UBS-Iron_Cross_2nd_Class TJB-Iron_Cross_1st_Class KJS-German_Cross WHR-Iron_Cross_1st_Class DUK-Iron_Cross_2nd_Class POS-Iron_Cross_2nd_Class KOTP-Iron_Cross_2nd_Class ADDR-Iron_Cross_1st_Class SL-Iron_Cross_1st_Class TTW-Iron_Cross_1st_Class DOB-Military_Medal EOTL-Iron_Cross_1st_Class WWE1-Iron_Cross_1st_Class FG-Iron_Cross_2nd_Class T2T2-Air_Medal TRB-Iron_Cross_1st_Class EOTS-Honour_Cup ATV-Iron_Cross_2nd_Class BB-Iron_Cross_2nd_Class RR-Iron_Cross_2nd_Class US-Iron_Cross_1st_Class

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